Game Programmer


  • Involve in all areas of game programming, such as game logic, graphics, artificial intelligence, user interface, and backend service.
  • Write robust code to be used by millions of users.
  • Work as part of a team, but with plenty of opportunities to take responsibility on an individual level.
  • Support and contribute new ideas to game design.
  • Achieve the objectives of game design with the development of game mechanics.
  • Collaborate with artists, designers, and programmers to best understand how to utilize existing tools and technology.
  • Create design documents to clarify coding requirements for review by team leads.
  • Create initial prototypes to demonstrate gameplay ideas and features.
  • Debug identified issues for the game programmer.
  • Execute the creation, maintenance, and update of technical documentation on tool design.
  • Keep updated on the latest technologies and programming practices for games.
  • Optimize gameplay coding and ensure the game runs well by working with internal teams.
  • Perform iterative testing and debugging of code developed for the tool design.
  • Refine code with input from the team lead.
  • Research to identify new technologies and programming practices that may aid game development.
  • Support the development of various game builds until the game’s release.


  • Have one year of experience in creating a game.
  • Minimum six months of experience using Unity3D and C# programming language.
  • Self-motivated and fast learner.
  • Enjoy working in a team.
  • Strong in object-oriented design and programming.
  • Strong problem-solving skills.
  • Takes the initiative to solve problems with clear communication.
  • Capable to explore a wide variety of ideas that improve the game experience.
  • A gamer, your passion for video games drove you to the industry.
  • Passion for creating and playing video games.


  • Previous experience working in the game development industry.
  • Having released applications (using Unity3d or others) in the Application Store (Google Play Store, Apple Appstore,, Game Jolt, etc.).

    Notes: Please submit the application link and explain your role in it.

What You Get As A Temporary Crew

In addition to competitive remuneration and extensive benefits, we offer:

  • Standard Package
    Competitive rewards include an annual religious holiday allowance (THR) that is given if the crew’s contract is still active and extends through the religious holiday.
  • State-of-the-Art Office Space
    Our office is designed for collaboration among crews, and features facilities such as a gym and tatami room.
  • Work Hour Flexibility
    Our hybrid system offers a flexible approach to work, allowing for a combination of WFO and WFH work schedules. We also provide semi-flexible working hours and replacement hours to accommodate individual needs and unexpected situations.

*Benefits as specified in the contract.

What you get while working with us…

In addition to competitive remuneration and extensive benefits, we offer:

  • Standard Package:
    Competitive rewards include an annual religious holiday allowance (THR) that is given if the crew’s contract is still active and extends through the religious holiday. Additionally, comprehensive insurance coverage (BPJS Tenaga Kerja, BPJS Kesehatan) is provided.
  • Device and Software:
    Capable devices and relevant software licenses to support our high-performance team. Please note that this benefit is provided on a case-by-case basis and will be determined based on your role within the company and the requirements of your position.
  • State-of-the-Art Office Space:
    Our office is designed for collaboration among crews, and features facilities such as a gym and tatami room. Additionally, we provide additional perks such as complimentary lunch and coffee, as well as shuttle services to make commuting more convenient.
  • Work Hour Flexibility:
    Our hybrid system offers a flexible approach to work, allowing for a combination of WFO and WFH work schedules. We also provide semi-flexible working hours and replacement hours to accommodate individual needs and unexpected situations.
  • Paid Overtime:
    While we do not condone nor encourage overtime, we offer fair hourly compensation should overtime be necessary.
  • Collective Leave:
    We understand the importance of time off. That’s why we have implemented collective leave, which follows a synchronized time-off period for all employees based on Indonesian government policy.

In addition to competitive remuneration and extensive benefits, we offer:

  • Standard Package:
    Competitive rewards, a religious holiday allowance (THR), and insurance coverage (BPJS Tenaga Kerja, BPJS Kesehatan, private insurance*).
  • Device and Software:
    Capable devices and relevant software licenses to support our high-performance team.
  • State-of-the-Art Office Space:
    Our office is designed for collaboration among crews, featuring facilities like a gym and tatami room, as well as additional perks such as complimentary lunch and coffee and shuttle services to make commuting more convenient.
  • Work Hour Flexibility:
    Our hybrid system provides a flexible approach to work, allowing for a combination of WFO and WFH work schedules. We also offer semi-flexible working hours and replacement hours to accommodate individual needs and unexpected situations.
  • Paid Overtime:
    We do not condone nor encourage overtime, but we offer fair hourly compensation should overtime is needed.
  • Annual, Special Paid Leave, and Claimable:
    In addition to the regular paid leave, we provide paid leave for special occasions (paid sick leave, menstrual leave, marriage leave, maternity and paternity leave, bereavement leave, etc). Every February, crews can also cash out their unused annual leave from the previous year.
  • Learning and Development:
    Mentoring by experts in the game industry or respective fields; premium access to learning materials, regular knowledge-sharing sessions, and a tailored personal development plan.
  • Career Growth Transparency:
    Our culture provides room for crews to grow indefinitely based on continuous feedback and recognition, with fair promotions, raises, and role transitions to help our crews reach their full potential.
  • Job Security:
    High-performing crews may get on a fast track to a permanent employment contract (PKWTT).
  • Well-being Programs:
    Regular well-being check-ups, internal team-building activities, and company-wide events to maintain crews’ mental health and reduce burn-out risks.

*Limited benefit for grade 5+ non-trainee

How to Apply

Interested to be our crew? Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Click the link below to apply and show us what you’ve got!

*If the “Apply Now” button is not working, please directly apply to